Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sleds and more sleds

Friday night Jon brought home another one of his old snow mobiles. I think that makes it 4 behind our garage at this point. But I'm not 100% sure... because it's winter, and it's cold, and I don't ever go back there! And even though they all have cosmetic flaws (LOTS of cosmetic flaws!), they are still quite fun to drive around!
When Alia heard a snow mobile fire up she RAN to the window saying "Daddeee, Daddeee!" I told her it was the neighbor or something and that Daddy wouldn't be home for a bit, but lo and behold - she was right! Of course Alia had to take a spin, so we bundled her up and Jon took her for a cruise around town.
(That's not grease on Jon's face as I originally thought... it's a long story about him helping out the cosmo class at the high school, and the girls learning how to do straight shaves on him, and all of them being scared to cut him so they only did his cheeks. He shaved as soon as he came in the house but I never even noticed it until I was looking back at the pics!!)

Since the sled was out I decided to have a go at it. Jon wanted me to pull the starter cord to show me how easy it was to start... "in case you want to take it for a spin when I'm not home".... HA! (It still makes me laugh!!) Surprisingly it was quite easy to get going, but I doubt Alia and I will be gallivanting around while he's at school!
Before I zoomed away Jon told me two things... it gets stuck easy and it tips easy. "G-R-E-A-T... thanks hun!"
With that in mind I was a little more cautious, but when the opportunity arose I just HAD to go up this big pile of snow. Even though I tried not to... and even though I thought I was going fast enough... I got stuck! Picture me, 9 months pregnant, trying to drag the stinkin' sled off the hill (so I could try going over it again before Jon realized I was stuck!). But it's a really heavy sled (hopefully they make them lighter now a days!) and I didn't move it an inch, so I had to walk home to get my man to come yank it out!
Oh well! I drove it some more after the stuck episode and have to say... sleds really are a lot more fun than I thought! I've been trying to convince Jon to sell at least 4 of the 5 sleds and buy a nicer one... but I think he likes the option of supplying all our friends, and their relatives with snow mobiles if the need ever arises!

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