Friday, February 20, 2009

Muffin Flop

I am so ready to toss in the apron and be done. For some reason I can no longer make moist, tender, scrumptous, gobble-em-up muffins. Since we’ve been married I have repeatedly been disappointed with the outcome. I’ve blamed it on the oven, on the little paper muffin cup brand, on my mixing ability… but never the pan. I was complaining to my best friend about my woes and she said she had the exact same problem… the muffins were always too dark on the bottom. She found it to be the non-stick pans she was using. I too have used non-stick pans everytime… so today I’m trying my silicone ones. And by golly… this better work!!


  1. Just wanted to say that I am loving reading your blog, Renee. Just LOVING it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sooo??? How did the next batch of muffins turn out? Was I right? The pressure's on, I hope these muffins are the best batch you've made this side of the border!
