Monday, May 16, 2011

The Green Thumb Family

Jon and the girls went on one of their daily four wheeler rides the other night... and came home with a Mother's day present for me (with a little help from Nana B! Thanks so much Betty!).

Alia was determined to keep "it" a secret, so I played along... until I feared the poor thing would start withering after 24 hours of no water... and convinced her to finally let me see her special gift! She was pleased as punch about the flowers... and couldn't wait to help take care of them!


*sigh* I gotta be honest... I'm not known for keeping plants alive very long! My thumb isn't exactly in the "green family"... if ya know what I mean! In my head I think "Come on? How hard can it be?!?!"... but reality sets in and I tend to forget to water them, which is like the one basic necessity they have!! Sad... I know.

But, Alia has been growing the sweetest little tomato and daisy plants over the last couple of weeks... and with her help, our greenery might have a hope after all!


This girl has a memory like a steel trap! Her morning vitamin... she's yet to miss a day! Keep little plants well hydrated... she's on it!


I'm trying my hardest to keep my Mother's day hanging pot alive.... I really am! I'm pruning, I'm making sure it gets lots of sunshine, I'm bringing it inside when it looks like it might get too chilly at night, I'm WATERING...

 and by golly, it WILL make it through the summer... it WILL make it through the summer... it WILL make it through the summer...

if Alia has anything to do with it! :)


  1. Just don't over water them either. And take off the dead flowers which will trick it into making more flowers. Good luck

  2. Thanks Amanda! I think Alia's little tomato plant might be a victim of over watering.... we just can't seem to get it right I guess! :) But how, exactly, can you tell when it's getting just enough water? And yup... I've been taking off the dead flowers, and what about the dead leaves? There's a couple... I guess I should take those off too right?! Thanks! Hope you guys are doing fantastic! :)
