Friday, September 24, 2010

My Big Girl... Becoming a Big Girl

It feels like Alia is growing up right before my eyes.

- She's been potty trained for a few months.
- Her vocabulary is expanding like CRAZY!
- She can almost completely dress herself.
- She is starting to take on household responsibilities.

Where did the time go?

Well yesterday, I tucked her in for nap... gave her a big smooch... and went downstairs. I peeked in awhile later and found these on her night stand.

I must have forgotten to take out her pony tail elastic and clip... so she took them out on her own.

And for some reason... I had a "my little girl isn't little anymore" moment.

I'm reminded to savor the day, savor my girls, and savor God's goodness on not only a daily, but HOURLY basis!

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