Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It was my fault... I'll admit it

Why all the containers of water you ask? Well... ha, ha... see... I was trying to be helpful before we left for the weekend by shutting off the water valve in the basement. I had seen Jon do this countless times, and just imagined him glowing with pride at my thoughtfulness when I told him. Instead of glowing with pride, he got a little concerned and asked if I shut off the water pump as well (we picked him up at school, so he didn't have to come home in between). I hadn't so I said "no" not really worrying about it. He (as I found out later) made a mental note to call our neighbor as soon as we got to camp to have him shut it off... but forgot with all the hustle and bustle of unloading our plethora of luggage. I continued on my merry way pleased as punch with myself.

Fast forward to Sunday night. We get home (I find out later that Jon was actually seriously surprised to find our house still standing instead of burnt to the ground) and discover a roasting hot, burnt out water pump. The inside was completely melted but somehow the engine had cut out before it caught on fire. Needless to say... this translated into no water! We could get water out of our tank, but not into the pipes since there was no pump to get it there. So we filled buckets, pitchers.. you name it, and I got to be a "woman of years gone by" for a day!

The bad news was the pump was going to cost $500 to fix... and we would only need it another few weeks until we got town water hook up. So... my AMAZING husband contacted a plumber friend and got some spare parts (for free!!) and fixed the pump before Alia's bath time Monday night! Phew!

I have learned my lesson (just so you know!), am way more thankful for running water, and was glad to have a house to come back to instead of a heap of ashes!

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