Monday, January 27, 2014

Looking for Blessings... Saturday edition

 We like to sleep in on Saturdays.... and with Alia going to school now, Saturdays are even MORE special! So when the girls woke up at 7:20 am (all three of them!) we weren't so pumped! We gave them permission to do a couple crafts, and promised we'd make them breakfast in half an hour just to sleep a bit more!

The day had just begun and I was already cranky... then I came downstairs to this!

Notes on our chairs...

And breakfast for Jon and I, made by the whole crew! 

- Alia cut and cored the apples (oh my gracious, I praised the Lord for keeping her fingers all in tact and we had another safety lesson about sharp objects!)
- Larren peeled the bananas
- and Caidrie put things in the compost pail

I found it really sweet that Alia even plastic wrapped our plates... but it was really just because Lars and Caid kept snitching chocolate chips off the plate so she wanted to keep them out!

(I made them baked oatmeal as a reciprocal "thank you!")

That should have made my whole week... but an hour later I was madly tidying around the house and getting grumpier by the tick tock of the clock. I texted a friend and said "Let's head to Winnipeg... I'm losing it!" and she responded with "Let's take our oldest girls out for tea, and pretend it's Wpg only closer!" 

Her option sounded better, so that's what we did! I sadly didn't take many pics, but having gluten free options was a definite blessing! As was cuddling with my little lady before they met us at the tea house... and seeing how grown up she's getting! We browsed the cute little gift shop and had a wonderful leisurely afternoon! 

Another blessing... Dairy Queen having their cakes and ice cream goodies half off! We stocked up... as you can see! : ) Just kidding... this is for three families. And this here is how us Canadians utilize the cold... it becomes a second (or third!) freezer! For awhile anyhow!

Quick little post... I know... but it feels good to pick up the ole camera again and take notice of the small things around me. 

Mental note : keep doing that!

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