Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Current Family Quote

"I was going to take a shower, but then I blew my nose and that's all the energy I had." - Jonathan, said this morning

That about sums up our last week and a half. And lo and behold... we're sick again. Well... just Alia and Jon are sick. Praise the Lord I'm feeling decent. I'm praying against whatever it is they have right now - that's about the last thing I need.

I've never been a good "puke person" and yesterday Alia tested my limits! Thankfully she's done with that phase (I think) and Jon is a big boy who doesn't need me to hold his hand!

Never in our "family history" have we all been sick like this. The worst case would be like a cold or something. This is over the top for a generally healthy crew.

I guess in some ways this babe is smart to stay put, and in other ways I just want to give him/her a good scolding! I'm massive, can hardly move, and even sweeping the floor seems like a bigger-than-capable task.

Anyhow... that's where our family is at right now. Today I'm just in a bad mood and wish my "mommy" lived closer!


  1. You guys need to go to the health food store and get something called Super Silver Solutions. We've taken it at the onset of feeling sick and even given it to Katelyn, who, (knock on wood) has not been sick this winter at all. Best of all, it is a tasteless clear liquid so it's easy to give to kids.

  2. I can't believe Baby is still inside! I'm on pins and needles here!!!
