Monday, June 15, 2009

Sleep Comes Before the Fall

... at least that's how it went on Saturday! I was feeling quite sick so my wonderful husband got up with Alia in the morning while I caught a few more winks. Around her nap time we all three decided to go back to bed and low and behold Alia actually slept with us in our room! She NEVER EVER does that, even if I try to "make" her stay. I was pleased as punch and just savored the moment... until it was like 11 am and she still wasn't waking up! I couldn't stay there all day so I decided to surround Ali with a truck load of pillows. The plan was as soon as I heard her waking up I would rush upstairs to get her before she could fling herself on the floor.
No warning. No "Yawn... that was a good nap." Nothing. All I heard was a big thump and lots of crying. Oh my gracious I ran upstairs fast. I felt HORRIBLE! Alia cried and cuddled for a minute or two, then she was fine. I kept checking for broken bones, a cracked head, bruises... anything I could think of. Notta thing. Thank the Lord it was just a rude wake up call and nothing more. I will definitely think about that next time I let her sleep in our bed!


  1. Oh, don't feel too bad! I think that has to happen at least once to every mom. Yesterday I saw Addie sitting at the bottom of the stairs playing, and I figured I was close enough, she'd be fine. Wouldn't you know that not three seconds later I turned just in time to see her face plant off the bottom step! The poor girl, she cried and cried, and then I gave her a cheerio and she stopped. Ah yes, the life of a busy mom, eh?

  2. How many of us have taken a tumble down the stairs in the old walkers? Been there, done that, so off that bed doesn't seem too bad. Those babies aren't breakable for a reason.
