We had a lot of fun, and of course they brought some great stuff for the girls! My mom and Alia dyed Easter eggs one morning, and Alia LOVED LOVED LOVED it! I was planning to wait until Ali was a bit older (the neat freak part of me!) but I'm so glad my mom knew that Alia would do just fine! And needless to say, the eggs didn't last long... we're all big fans of colorful egg salad I guess!
And yes... Alia was potty training, hence the lack of attire!
The newspaper just wasn't cutting it... we had to switch to some old heavy duty towels!
Love this pic... two of my favorite people enjoying life together!
Taking the eggs one step further... adding sticker faces!
Alia posing with her beloved egg family
**Note** These were the last pics taken with my Pentax DSLR! Although at the time I had no idea I was actually going to sell it! :)
i have never seen the egg faces! i love it! that picture of her on the table with them is CLASSIC!