Since these are some of our last days with just Alia... I wanted to savor them. Not lie on the couch, barely able to make lunch - and only dream of playing with her! So I am thankful that God has given us a few extra days to enjoy our little one!
On Friday I decided to ignore the few house things that needed to be done and just make it an "Ali Day"! We read lots of books (and read and read!), played in her kitchen, learned more about our letters (via one of her new Christmas presents!), made a HUGE batch of cinnamon rolls, and painted her nails (one of her favorite things in life right now)! Jon even came home early to join in the "Ali celebrations!" He brought her some balloons, took her for a walk around town, pushed her in her swing downstairs until she was light headed, and let her "help" him feed our neighbor "meows", as Alia likes to call them (he's on cat duty for a week while they are soaking up the sun in far away lands!)! Then we made pizza for supper and went out for ice cream in the evening!
I must say, Alia is quite the little cook already! Whenever she sees me pull out my Kitchen Aid, she's right there in the action... "dough, dough, dough"! And it doesn't matter what we're making that day - she'll dip her finger in somewhere along the way (usually while my back is turned!)- and let out an exaggerated "MMMMmmmm!" So when I suggested trying a new recipe for Cinnamon Rolls, she was pretty on board!
Helping Mom read the recipe
Not wanting any crumbs to hit the floor
Helping "knead" the dough
Taking a little banana break
Now we're nearing the good part!
SUCCESS!! I wish I would have gotten a video of Alia eating her cinnamon roll (okay, okay... who am I kidding... she's her mama's girl... there was no stopping at just one!)... it was like a natural instinct to say "MMMMmmm, MMMMmmm, MMMMmmmm" through the whole experience! I didn't even have to ask her if it was good!
As I mentioned... painting Alia's toes is one of her joys in life right now! It doesn't matter if there's barely any polish left on them, she'll still show them off to anyone who will stand still! When she was in the hospital (and becoming more herself) she was showing them off to EVERY nurse who walked in the room... not kidding! We tried a new color combo this time... pink with sparkly overcoat! Although they aren't perfect - Alia is pleased as all get out!
Yes... you noticed correctly, we're using Alia's potty as a table!
Blowing on her toes to help them dry... but not before we get a few fingerprints in there for good measure! :)
The finished product
Mommy's pedicured, massively puffy toes and Alia's cute little pink ones!
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